What is the difference between a lightning rod and a surge arrester?

What is the difference between a lightning rod and a lightning arrester

The lightning rod and the surge arrester are lightning protection equipment which have different functionalities in the face of the lightning strike phenomenon.


The lightning rod: 


The lightning rod protects structures against direct lightning strikes.

The lightning rod is the material placed outside on the highest point of a structure.

The function of the lightning rod is to capture lightning strikes which are likely to directly strike the structure it protects.

The Outdoor Lightning Protection Installation is made up of a sensor called a lightning rod, at least one conductor and an earth connection dedicated to each conductor.

The earth connections must be connected to each other as well as all metal masses located nearby.

The Outdoor Lightning Protection Installation captures, conducts and flows the electrical current from lightning into the ground.



The surge arrester: 


The surge arrester protects against the indirect effects of lightning strikes.

The surge arrester is the equipment placed inside a structure on networks that transport electricity (energy, communications, data, etc.).

The function of the surge arrester is to prevent overvoltages in the network it protects.

The Indoor Lightning Protection Installation is made up of one or more surge arrester systems.

Surge arrestors act like switches. Surge protectors close their circuit when an overvoltage appears on the network and they divert the current to the earth connection.

The Indoor Lightning Protection installation conducts and drains surges and currents into the electrical ground.

LPS Manager app guides you in choosing which lightning rods and surge arresters to use for your lightning protection system. Learn more
