What is an equipotential bond?

What is equipotential bonding

Before explaining what an equipotential connection is, here is a quick reminder of what we mean by “electrical voltage”:

An electron represents a negative electric charge (e-)
Electric current is a movement of electrons. To make them move, we generally use a current generator which will create an imbalance of charges ( potential difference ) in order to attract and repel the electrons. Lightning is also born from an imbalance of electrical charges present in the natural environment. This charge imbalance is called “electrical voltage” and is measured in Volts.


Equipotential connections:

An equipotential bond is a protection that guarantees the absence of potential difference (DDP) between different electrically conductive elements (external element of a lightning protection system, metal frame, electrical earth, etc.) for avoid the formation of an electric arc (displacement of electrons). This is achieved using one or more conductive connections (made of copper or aluminum), in order to limit the potential differences between these electrically conductive elements.


The equipotential connections of a lightning protection system with an initiation device (source NF 17_102):

Equipotentiality is achieved by interconnecting the SPF to the priming device with:

– the metal frame of the structure;

– metal installations;

– interior systems;

– the exterior conductive elements and the lines connected to the structure.

When lightning equipotentiality is created for the interior protection installation, part of the lightning current may flow inside and this aspect must be taken into account.

The means of interconnection can be:

– equipotentiality conductors, if natural continuity is not obtained;

– surge arresters, if equipotentiality is not achievable.

Their achievement is important and must be coordinated with the communications network operator, the power network distributor and other operators or authorities concerned, due to possible conflicting requirements.


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