To maximize your safety during a thunderstorm, it is essential to understand and apply specific precautionary measures, as well as use modern technology tools such as the LPS Manager app:
1. Stay indoors
- For what ?
Solid structures provide lightning rod lightning protection that protects against direct lightning strikes.
– Physical attitude:
Stay away from windows, doors and exterior walls. Find a central space in the house or building where you are less exposed.
– Using LPS Manager :
Follow the path of the storm and the proximity of lightning strikes. Check with the app if your building's lightning protection system has been recently inspected and is in good condition.
2. Avoid water and pipes:
- For what ?
Water and metal pipes can conduct electricity from a lightning strike nearby, which could be dangerous.
– Physical attitude:
Stay dry and away from faucets, showers, bathtubs and other water-related appliances.
3. Unplug electrical appliances:
- For what ?
This prevents damage from power surges caused by lightning striking the local power grid.
– Physical attitude:
Be sure to do this before the storm gets too close, to avoid any risk while disconnecting.
4. Stay away from windows, doors and balconies:
- For what ?
These elements can break in wind or hail and provide a path for electrical conduction from a nearby lightning strike.
– Physical attitude:
Find a safe place indoors, away from these openings, to take shelter.
5. Avoid conductive objects:
- For what ?
Electrical wires and metal rods can conduct electricity from a lightning strike, posing a risk of electrocution.
– Physical attitude:
Keep your feet close together and avoid touching multiple objects at once.
6. Don’t take shelter under trees:
- For what ?
Lone trees attract lightning and can be a direct point of impact, causing injury or worse.
– Physical attitude:
If you're outside, crouch down, keep your feet close together, and minimize contact with the ground. Don't lie down.
7. Monitor weather alerts:
- For what ?
Stay informed about the duration and severity of the storm to better plan your actions.
– Physical attitude:
Have a battery-operated device, like a radio, that can receive updates if the power goes out.
– Using LPS Manager :
The app can also provide real-time alerts on weather conditions and lightning activity in your area, which is crucial for proper preparation.
8. Safety position in case of lack of better shelter:
– If you are caught outside with no better shelter nearby, crouch on the ground, put your feet together, place your hands over your ears to protect against the sound of thunder. This position minimizes your exposed surface area on the ground, reducing the risk of being hit by ground current if lightning strikes nearby.
These precautionary measures and physical attitudes, along with the use of the LPS Managerapplication, can greatly increase your safety during a storm.