LPS Manager collection, analysis, alert...
Positioning a folder on the main LPS Manager map triggers the collection of meteorological data. No sensors are needed on site. This feature is available from the Free version.
LPS Manager aggregates a set of international data provided by recognized and highly skilled services. The site is immediately placed under surveillance in the face of potentially dangerous phenomena.
Certain types of communicating lightning protection equipment are also important data sources integrated into the application. The LPS Manager score is then even more precise. This monitoring does not require the installation of sensors or the presence of a lightning rod installation beforehand.
LPS Manager/email alerts
The majority of alerts are sent as push notifications at times chosen by the user. Alerts can be received whether the LPS Manager application is open or closed. Additionally, critical alerts will be sent by email. All alerts are recorded and presented by month and day and time stamped.
History and Analysis
LPS Manager provides access to audit reports, alert history, collected weather data, IOT data and other details per installation. The presentation of information has been designed to make reading and analysis quick. Decision-making to carry out normative and/or preventive checks is facilitated.
LPS Manager Score
LPS Manager offers a quick visualization of the theoretical state of an installation by calculating a score (maximum 100%). The ''LPS Score'' is based on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking into account all the parameters of a lightning protection installation, lightning events, potentially harmful climatic events nearby for installation (wind, drought, rain, etc.).
Preventive maintenance
The score is a quick way to decide how urgent it is to anticipate a lightning rod or surge arrester check at a glance. As a reminder, an audit is recommended by the standards at least once a year.