Lightning rod & Surge arrester

 LPS Manager functionalities calculation of the lightning protection level

Obtain the level of lightning protection to apply

Building, Pylon, Factory, Reservoir, Bridge… all the structures of a site to be protected will be described using inclusive forms (photos + writing). LPS Manager suggests using drawings and symbols to detail each critical part (electrical earthing, incoming service, equipotential connections, etc.).

With the LPS Managerapplication, you quickly obtain a recommendation on the level of protection to apply for a building, a structure and more generally for a site. The calculation of the protection level in LPS Manager is based on the standards in force within the framework of document FD C 17-108:2017 (or simplified IEC 62305 standard).

 LPS Manager functionalities calculation of the protection radius of the lightning rod

Study of protection against Lightning: Choice of type of materials

You will determine graphically and logically the equipment necessary to ensure lightning protection for a building and an entire site. You will describe the entire lightning rod and surge arrester system and will be able to share it with your customers or suppliers.

Features LPS Manager verification of lightning protection systems description by drawing

Audit/Verification of a Lightning installation: Description of lightning installations

LPS Manager offers a process of photo and written description of any type of lightning protection installation.

In the form of forms, the description is carried out in the direction high (lightning rod) – low (grounding system). The description of surge arresters is also possible for verification of their condition.

The description of conductors, earthing and equipotential connections is not limited in their number.

Features LPS Manager verification of lightning protection system description of elements

For all types of lightning rod and surge arrester installation

All types of lightning rod or surge arrester installations can be described and monitored in LPS Manager regardless of the lightning protection standard used (single point lightning rod, Faraday cage, mesh cage, tensioned cables, Early Streamer Emitter lightning rod, Surge arresters , Grounding systems…)

