Lightning protection is a niche business. Finding a professional in this field is often a difficult task for localized and specific needs. Recognition of skills, training, affiliation or approval is essential for all professionals in the sector. Connecting customers and professionals is simpler with LPS Manager.

Who is in the directory?
As the Pro or Expert subscriptions are intended for people experienced in the field of lightning protection, all Pro or Expert users are automatically present in the directory. If you do not wish to appear in the directory, please send us a message through LPS ManagerSupport. LPS Manager is an international solution so you will certainly find a contact near you.

How to find a company in LPS Manager?
A search bar is available at the top of the screen. This research is universal. That is to say, you can search by name, location, country, specialty, etc. of registered professionals.

How is my company referenced in LPS Manager?
All users have access to their profile and are invited to complete their information. If you are a Pro or Expert user, in addition to your presentation, your logo, your photo... a multiple choice list of specialties in the lightning protection profession is at your disposal to expose your skills to all users .

How to carry out commercial communication in LPS Manager ?
LPS Manager targeting is unique for reaching new customers or communicating about your skills. If you would like to benefit from our communication possibilities, please contact us via LPS Manager Support.