Communicating products in LPS Manager

Contact@ir System - Communicating lightning protection products

Are the products of your lightning protection equipment manufacturer referenced in LPS Manager ?

In this case, the data communicated by these products can be read remotely and at any time in the LPS Managerapplication, from your smartphone or tablet.


In addition, the status of communicating products gives rise to an alert each time one of these products requires verification.


Finally, the condition of your communicating products increases the accuracy of the LPS score, which reflects the general condition of your lightning protection installation.


All information concerning your communicating product(s) can be consulted in the “Data & Analysis” tab of your file:


LPS France products from the Contact@ir System range can be integrated into the LPS Manager , find out more…

To learn more, check out our tutorial (choose the language in which you want to see the tutorial):
